Tuesday, 2 November 2010


The colours around here are stunning this year (this is a rather bad photo taken with my mobile and without my glasses, so I couldn't see what I was doing. But you get the idea).

I think "Autumn" would make a lovely name for someone.


  1. We had such a dry summer and early fall here that our colors have been very subdued. It's nice to see your picture and get a glimpse of fall colors, even if they are beyond driving distance.

  2. The colours are amazing here, too, Frances. Apparently it's all to do with a sudden, hard frost after a warm Indian summer. Just to get technical...

  3. It does seem particularly colourful this year and it also seems to have happened almost overnight.
    I like Autumn as a name too!

  4. Yes - but Autumn Garrood? Autumn Ashby - now you're talking. But not Fall. (Sorry, Nevets.)

    And thanks, Alis, for the explanation! Sadly, apparently there's about to be a strong wind which will blow it all away. Never mind. Masterchef final tonight, and my money's on Claire.

  5. Just you watch, Frances. Your grandkids will think Fall is the greatest name ever. Mark my words.

    (crossing fingers)

  6. We have a friend whose parents named her "Autumn Summerville." It's a nice first name, but having two seasons in your name is a bit silly.

  7. Hi, David. Yes - that does seem odd. Maybe they didin't notice at the time?

    Another strange thing is that we commonly use certain months as girls' names - April, May, June, July (Julie), August(a) - but they seem to stop after the summer.

    But I've always thought October would make a lovely name (but difinitely not January...)
