Tuesday, 19 February 2013

I don't want to eat horse, but...

...for goodness' sake - enough already! Okay, so the subterfuge involved in this "scandal" is thoroughly reprehensible, but haven't the media better things to bang on about?* This story has run its course. Time to move on.

Ethics aside, I happen to think that we owe it to the animal that has pulled, carried and died in countless battles with us not to eat it, but there are people starving, and here we are, (most of us) with enough to eat, bellyaching because we might have pony in our pizza?

*Ooh yes. Hilary Mantel has been rude about Kate. Well, that should take our minds off silly little problems (like the appalling suffering in Syria) for a week or two. Phew!


  1. Hilary was extremely rude...does she need some publicity I wonder? Leave the delightful Kate alone I say...she has enough to contend with and is doing her best.

  2. Hmm. I've eaten horse, very tasty actually. But I knew what it was. The story will have run its course when the disgusting criminals are brought to justice. Soylent Green, anyone?
    As regards Mantel, I heard what she said. It was tongue-in-cheek and very funny, and I'm sure Kate took it in that spirit.

  3. I think if one is going to eat the flesh of a dead animal it really doesn't matter what the animal is. After all rabbits, hedgehogs, kangaroos, horses and all sorts of other things are eaten in various parts of the world. In an ideal world, though, my emotional response is to agree with your sentiment that we owe it to the animal that has pulled, carried and died in countless battles with us not to eat it. I and anyone reading this is not starving though - as I pointed out in my last Thankful Thursday post.

  4. On the other hand, one could argue that making use of every bit of the animal (i.e. not letting go the meat to waste once it is dead) is a good idea as such. Like a hunter who just hunts for the "fun" of it will never have my understanding, but the hunter who hunts because the family needs food, and they can make use of the animal's hide and everything else like our forefathers did - that's a different story.
    Like you, I don't want to have HORSE MEAT screaming at me in big letters every time I look at a newspaper.

  5. A dead horse isn't necessarily wasted. It can go for pet food. But of course if it's injected in order to end its life than itmhasntombe burnt or buried.

  6. Like most of us, I'm a bit bored with the horsemeat thing now. No-one has been poisoned. I see they are now examining children's sweets because of the gelatine used in making them. This is when it all gets ridiculous.

    Why did Hilary Mantel have to say anything at all, however tongue in cheek, or otherwise it may have been?

  7. I rather suspect the horse meat was the healthiest part of some of the ready meals that were withdrawn from sale.

  8. Just before I exit this stream, the point I failed to make about the Mantelgate thingie is that she wasn't knocking Kate at all - she was satirising the way the slush media present her and objectify her. I stand by Hilary.

  9. I have not knowingly eaten horse...but anyway the subject appears more to wet the appetite of newspaper readers and government than Mid Staffs...we really know how to prioritise in the British media...whats Mid Staffs?

    Erm - that was a bit of a rant wasn't it? Not aimed at you dear Francis.

    Anna :o]

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