Sunday, 28 April 2013

Magpie 166

"Who's ate all the pies, then?"
Said the badger to the rat.
"And as for cakes and jelly, well,
I'd rather eat my hat."

The candles posed a hazard,
Drink was spilt from every cup.
And at the end, nobody stayed
To help with washing-up.

The moral of this tale is clear
And this advice comes free:
If you're entertaining, don't invite
Wild  animals to tea.

(With thanks to Tess at Magpie Tales for the picture)


  1. Sweetly written, you made me smile even while I realized the truth behind your words.

  2. These days if I want to have a party, I arrange for it at a place where there is hired help to clean up.
    Consequently, I don't have too many parties.
    Love the poem!

  3. oh this is so dear! Love it!
    Have a splendid week!

  4. "Don't invite wild animals to tea." No, I don't agree. You otter, you otter!

  5. Agreed! An impolite guest is the bane of every hostess!

  6. Oh, I love this! It was fun to read with a very good meaning to it.

  7. Still chuckling over your funny poem and then Berowne goes and starts the giggles all over again!!

  8. Washing up is always the signal for folks to disappear...

  9. Great take on this fun illustration!

  10. Ha! So true! They always seem to give me the slip, these animals do....!lol
