Monday, 24 June 2013

Please leave me alone and let me sleep....

This was Fairfax this morning. At the moment, he's turned out at night with a selected few calm friends (he tends to wind up the day gang, and end up getting kicked). So having spent all night partying and eating, he likes to sleep in after breakfast.

I always think there's something particularly appealing about a horse lying down. This is probably because their natural instinct is to get up and run, as lying down makes them vulnerable. In a nutshell....aaaaaah!


  1. Lovely bed of straw. I'd sleep in too.

  2. You're right, it is unusual to see a horse lying down. As long as you know it is just out of tiredness (and for good reason!) and not because he's not well, then "aaaah" is right :-)
    Party on, Fairfax!

  3. He is so beautiful and as you say, there's an appealing vulnerability too. And his bed looks very inviting. x

  4. He looks so young and innocent when he's sleeping, but what's he dreaming about :-)
