Monday, 28 April 2014

Things my grandmother has learnt today

1. Nothing - repeat, nothing - removes superglue from fingers. Not even nail  polish remover. She's tried that. She'll just have to wait unti it...drops off. Fortunately, her fingers are no longer sticking to each other.

2. Oil seed rape is now high enough to hide a good-sized deer. These leap out suddenly in front of horses, causing consternation, and potential accidents (today, she managed to stay on. Not like last time).

2. "April showers" is a misnomer. They are more like April monsoons. She's just got caught in one.

3. She is very weary of wearing her winter uniform of jeans, shirt, sweater, trainers. She would like to paint her toenails red and give her feet an airing. No-one's seen them (the feet) since about September.

4. Her youngest grandson (that's me) is both beautiful and cheerful, and this post is really an excuse for my photo. She says it's cheered her up.


  1. I can imagine you thought using superglue would help with staying aboard your horse but read the instructions you just drip it on, don't spread it with your fingers. A razor blade or a blow lamp shift it neither seems appealing but when the devil drives....
    I haven't seen my feet with any ease for years. Eight months is nothing.
    The grandson has plenty to smile about.

    1. I did NOT spread it with my fingers, Adrian.

    2. Sorry I must have got muddled up again. It was the numbering wot is to blame.

  2. Fully agree on # 4! (And that's coming from me, who is NOT the typical baby-cooing woman when in sight of any human being under 2)
    As for # 3, the last sentence worries me a little. I do hope the mysteriously invisible feet will reappear.

    1. That baby is particularly gorgeous,
      Meike. As for the feet, no worries. There's evidence that they're still there.

  3. Cute AND smart - blogging already! We have a future winner of the Nobel Prize in literature for sure...

    1. He has bright parents, DT, so you never know?

  4. What a gorgeous wee boy - you're teaching grandmother well. Hope you get those toes out soon, Frances!

    1. I love it when you write with a Scottish accent, Rosemary.

  5. What a gorgeous little boy you are Grandson of Frances - you've cheered me up too x

  6. He is gorgeous and if i had one I would shamelessly post pics all the time:-)

    1. I try not to overdo it, Martimr. Boasting grannies can be very boring. Sorry - misspelt your name, but iPad doesn't like going back to correct typos!

  7. He is beautiful…made me smile!

  8. That beautiful smile would cheer anyone up!

  9. My shorts came out from their hibernation a few weeks ago..... now they've been sent back. Hey ho; I posted a pic of my latest grandson today too.

    1. I visited your new grandson photo, CM, and he's lovely.

  10. Such a beautiful, perfect baby, Frances. And I hope you can get your feet out soon. x

    1. The feet thought of coming out today, Joanna. We're getting there...

  11. What a little cutie.
    It's not just my feet I have to worry about, but my white legs when all around me have been to the tanning beds. Honestly, I look like a Zombie.

    1. Kay, don't mention white legs. I have a horrendous pair of my own.

  12. Couldn't resist a reply to say how handsome you are. I haven't had my feet or legs on display for - too long to remember. I am permanently in trousers and 'comfy' shoes. The comfy shoes being the reason I never wear skirts or dresses. Let's face it, when does the British weather encourage anything but?

    1. Maggie, I don't really do shoes. Boots in winter, then sandals in summer. I'm rather stuck at the moment...
