Saturday, 28 April 2012

Y is for Yellow

1. I really, really don't like men in yellow jumpers. Especially if they're golfers. There is something fey about a man in a yellow jumper; as though his mother hadn't yet got over wondering whether he was going to be a boy or a girl, and had given it him for Christmas (people who are uncertain about the genders of babies always choose yellow).

2. I look terrible in yellow. Lots of people do. It's just a bad colour for most people.

3. But - yellow is the colour of spring (together with green). I don't like out-of-season flowers in reds and oranges in the spring. Spring flowers should be yellow, like chicks.

4. People who go yellow are not well. Fact.

5. I lost at Snakes and Ladders today, against my four-year-old grandson, using a yellow counter. I cheated (that's one of the reasons I don't mind Snakes and Ladders. It's easy to cheat. Theoretically, it's a game that could go on for ever. Literally. So it needs to be stopped).

6. Someone wrote a song about yellow submarines. There are no such things.


  1. Agree - yellow is for spring flowers, custard and suns and nothing much else really. Men in yellow jumpers do look pretty silly, as they do in light blue ones...

    Anna :o]

  2. Yellow is for flowers. As a young girl I once dressed in a yellow coat, yellow hat and yellow shoes for Easter. I remember thinking I was SO stylish. Later, in looking at the old picture I asked my mother, "How could you let me do that?"

    1. Actually, Yvonne, I might make an exception for kids

  3. Yellow is my favourite colour and has been so as far back as my memory goes - I love my yellow dress and the several yellow tops and t-shirts I own and my vanilla Hallhuber skirt and the three vanilla and one pale blue walls in my bedroom... As with so many other things in life, it is good that we have so much variety to choose from :-)

    1. I know from your blog that you are far more stylish than I am, Librarian. So I'll make an exception for you.

  4. I love yellow. But I don't like men in yellow jumpers either - or rather the combination of men and yellow jumpers.

    1. Jenny, I think yellow trousers might be even worse...?

  5. I agree - I love the colour yellow in flowers, on walls (sometimes), tableclothes, china, but not on me. I'm not a blond, though, and probably blonds suits this colour better.

    1. Biddy, yes. And very dark- skinned people can wear it. But no men!

  6. I dislike jumpers full stop. However I don't dislike yellow and I'm quite upset that fellow bloggers should be yellowist when it comes to men and their clothes. If I were to want to wear a yellow or a light blue jumper (which, for the record, I certainly would not) then I think it unfortunate that there should be such prejudice. After all it is not pc to be ageist, sexist, genderist and, I'm sure, most other ists. So how is it ok to be yellowist?

    Oh. I've just realised. Hoist with mine own petard. I'm jumperist.

    1. GB, it's not prejudice. Merely a matter of ( my) taste!

    2. I think that's being a wee bit semantic. As I understand it a prejudice is a dislike not based on reason. If it's merely a matter of taste that suggests to me that it's not a reasoned issue. In this case it's also a dislike you have chosen to make public. Surely ergo it is prejudice. Not that me being jumperist or you being yellowist matters one jot or whittle in the greater scheme of things.

  7. You have made me realise that I don't possess one item of yellow clothing! We have a bedroom wall painted in a soft shade of lemon, which is very sunny and lovely.

    1. Which goes to show you're on my side, Maggie!

  8. I love my yellow jumper, it is soft primrose yellow, knitted on purpose because I didn't own anything yellow. i think it is an unfairly maligned colour:-)
    thanks for sharing
