Sunday, 6 May 2012

An informal note to New Blogger

Dear New Blogger, I hate you. My PC hates you. My iPad hates you. You don't work on either. Your design is horrible. I don't like orange. I WANT OLD BLOGGER BACK! (Pretty please...)


  1. takes some of the fun out of blogging, doesn't it? It just decided I can't respond to comments on my blog.

    1. Lovely Rob has managed to restore old blogger about 3 times. I shall phone him as soon as the holiday weekend is over!

  2. I agree. You are a proper author, send them a letter, perhaps they will listen to you!

    1. I would, Kay, if I knew where/ whom to write to!

  3. Replies
    1. We need a campaign, Colette! Perhaps we should all march into cyberspace brandishing placards...

  4. I agree we've had nothing but problems. Many bloggers have moved over to another Blog site. I've been wondering if I should too.

  5. Jarmara, I just wish I knew WHY they've done it! It offers nothing but rage and frustration. But at least it'll make me get on with the WIP. Probably...

  6. I agree, Frances. It's just not as good. there was nothing wrong with the way it was, so why did they think it should be changed?

    1. Joanna, you're right. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

  7. I agree. They've done it because geeks have to tinker. They like orange. They're masochists. And there is nobody to complain to. Did you ever try to get "help"? It's a f****** nightmare. Bright side? Yes, maybe we'll all just write more and blog less. But I would miss the interaction!

    1. Hi, Yvonne. I did a bit of Googling, and no-one seems to like it. One person did offer a solution, but it didn't work for me. I shall wait for wonderful Rob - who's a computer whizz - to get back to work tomorrow, and try to get the old blogger back. I think it's still possible. I just cannot see that the new system offers anything at all that the old one did not. I wish someone could explain what the advantages are!

  8. I seem to be in a minority. I've been using the new interface since its inception and am very happy with it. It works on my PC on my Apple Macbook Pro, my iPad and mobile blogger works on my iPhone.

    1. I wish you could teach me/my computer how to do it, GB. It totally defeats us.
