Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Things I've learnt in the past week

1. Nail varnish is one of the most expensive liquids of all per fluid ounce.

2. "Galore" is the only gothic word still in use in the English language.

3. That green vegetable that looks like a pretty cauliflower (romanesco; see above) is not nearly as exciting to eat as it looks. It would be put to better use tied with a ribbon and given as a present.

4. My new horse (Blue) is very fast. Yesterday, we won an informal race. "Do I need to hear this?" asked child no.4 when I told him, (my children think horses are terribly dangerous). I explained to him that nowadays, this is the ONLY thing I can (sometimes) do faster than people half my age. Plus, I love it. A friend calls it "the need for speed". Exactly.

5. Trollope (Anthony) really is my absolute favourite author. I've read many of his books, but I've just discovered his lesser-known novel, The Claverings. It's brilliant.

6. When sending toys to grandchilden for birthdays etc., I must, must, MUST remember to include batteries (I'm so sorry, George. It won't happen again).

7. Wine-tastings can be fun, but aren't really my thing. I prefer to taste one bottle of wine I know I'll like, at home, in front of Coronation Street (okay We're addicted. People - especially my brother -scoff at this, but we love it).


  1. 1. Even more expensive because you never get to the bottom of the bottle.
    4. You scare me!
    5. Never read Trollope so I think I'll ask the library for that one.
    7. I have finally gone cold turkey and given up Corrie.
    7. I assume your addiction is for Corrie and not the wine?

  2. 1. Good job I never use any, then.
    2. Fascinating! (I mean it.)
    3. When I first saw this kind of veg at Aldi's maybe 10 years or so ago, my first thought was "Great! Fractals you can actually eat!" But I don't think I ever bought it more than once or twice. Give me normal green brokkoli anytime.
    5. I don't think I have ever read anything by him, should definitely give him a try as I value your recommendation.
    6. ...
    7. Not much of a wine person myself, but very much a cocktail person. Now, why has no-one ever invited me to a cocktail tasting?

    1. Just realized I left out No. 4. Can't really comment on that, since I've never felt the "need for speed" myself. To me, that's just the name of a computer game.

    2. I don't use nail varnish either, Meike.

  3. 1. What Librarian said!

    2. I love that word!

    3. I have been flirting with Romanesco for a while, wondering whether to give it a try. I think perhaps I’ll pass.

    4. Good for you, Frances!

    5. I have never read Trollope. Perhaps I should.

    6. I always feel so guilty when I forget batteries.

    7. I haven’t watched Corrie for years, but I do like the odd bottle of wine. And I have to drink it all myself unless my daughter is visiting as I’m the only wine drinker in the house. Poor me! xx

    1. Flirt with the Romanesco by all means, Teresa, but don't bother to eat it!

  4. 1. Make sure everyone knows how much more you like that than scented candles.

    2. Gosh. I'm surprised that's the only one.

    3. It's a cauliflower. Cauliflower is never exciting.

    4. If you love it and it doesn't hurt anyone else, you should do it.

    5. I don't think I've ever read him. Should probably give him a try.

    6. Gift vouchers don't need vouchers.

    7. I agree about the wine. Don't watch Corrie though.

    1. Thank you, Patsy. I like cauliflower; just not its new green friend.

  5. I once rode a horse who lost informal races with both an empty crisp packet and less embarrassing a microlight.

    1. Your career as a horseman seems to have been quite colourful, Adrian.

  6. 1. You could do a " Maureen LIpman". Not entirely recommended though!
    2. Don't think Waitrose have these so not tried it.
    4. I am with your kids on this one..do be careful.
    5. Not sure if I have read Trollope, but will try and do so if you think he is good.
    6. I have a 3 yr old grandson named George.
    7.We had a wine tasting sessions during our french river cruise……you don't get much of each do you!! 2 sips and it was gone.

    1. At our wine tasting we were given quite a lot, but much of it had to be chucked away, sadly. And Frances, I can't believe how many of my esteemed followers haven't read Trollope!

  7. Well done on the informal race - you go girl! (Says she who is banned from ever ice skating again after breaking my arm in Canada some years ago).

    I must read some Trollope, but I'll pass on the pretty green veg since I love broccoli so much. Didn't know 'galore' was a Gothic word.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Rosemary. I shall! And do read Trollope. He's wonderful.

  8. I'm just discovering Trollope. I've been reading the two first Barchester novels this month - not quite finished the 2nd yet but might tonight or tomorrow.

  9. At last - someone who's read Trollope! I hope you're enjoying him? I think my own favourite is Dr.Thorne. I've just re-read it.

  10. I've read Trollope too! The problem is that it takes such a long time getting through all the descriptive stuff to appreciate the pure brilliance of his wit and observation. I've never heard of the one you suggested. I'm trying to find the time and courage to start on the Palliser series.

    1. Graham, you're right. He never uses one word when two will do. But it/he is so worth the time, isn't he. I recommend The Duke's Children of the Pallilsers. I've read a lot of them, but this one quite recently, and I really enjoyed it. I don't think they need to be read in any particular order.
