Sunday 16 August 2009

Of hips and ops

I contemplated (breifly) writing a horribly introspective diary of the hip operation, but decided it would be even more boring to read than to write. But since receiving my new hip (16 days ago), I have learnt several things.
1. I am a much worse patient than I had hoped to be.
2. Never, never, never let your nearest and dearest help you on with your elastic stockings.
3. Your bones do not belong to you. No, really, I asked to be able to keep my old hip (feeling suddenly and nostalgically fond or it) and was told firmly no. Why? Health and safety. Health and bloody safety. What harm can I possibly do with a small severed hip joint? I feel ridiculously angry about this.
4. It is impossible to write anything useful while trying to convalesce. Will I ever write again?
5. Blogging is a good solution to 4, even if it does nothing to further the progress of the WIP.

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