Thursday 5 March 2015

I am livid!

This horrible, patronising advert appeared in the press today. Unfortunately this photo doesn't show these women's legs, which are clad in thick, knee-length stockings (presumably because the poor old souls haven't the strength to drag them all the way up to their thighs, or wear tights). The inference is that fashion is really for the young and beautiful, and by dressing these elderly women up in it, we can all have a jolly good laugh.

Well, as an elderly woman who never goes for  'labels', can pull on her own tights, and wears jeans most of the time anyway, I find this advert deeply offensive. and I'm, ashamed of my fellow-oldies for letting the side down.

There. I feel better now.

(Though I'll probably be sued for using this picture. And D&B are a lot richer than I am.)


  1. I am sorry to disagree but I think they look very stylish. I am wondering if there is some writing on it that I can't read because of the size of the image

  2. To me they look like a trio of rather nice Italian Mamas. I would have thought the inference was that everyone is entitled to have nice things; although I do think their tiaras are a bit excessive.

  3. I haven't seen this advert, but without your interpretation, would have thought it meant that D&C can be worn/carried by anyone. I think they are supposed to be stylish Italian dames, greatly respected in their families. Maybe I am wrong?

  4. Just shows how we all react differently. To me these ladies seem lively, smartly dressed and happy rather than poor old dears.

    The ad does nothing to encourage me to buy from D&B though - especially if those weird head things are an example of what they sell.

  5. Please may I ask if you have seen the photo with the bottom half as you described or is that a 'supposition'? That would alter my view but as presented to be honest Frances, apart from the fact that the headpieces look very silly, they do look like typical Italian elderly ladies.

    1. No supposition, Grwham. The knee length stocking were there!

    2. Is this the picture Frances? I value your view on things so was puzzled because I certainly didn't find the photo you showed offensive in any way. So I tried to find the picture with the ladies full length. If this is the photo then it would appear to be them arriving for the shoot. To be honest I think they look a darn sight better than most of the young models. You are not old Frances.

  6. All the D&G adverts of the past few years are supposed to show cliché Italian family gatherings, and this one is no exception. I have been part of a Sicilian family for 10 years, so I know from personal experience that nearly all of those clichés are true. As for this particular advert, I must admit I've never seen any of the many elderly Italien ladies I knew back in the day wear such head gear, but the all-black clothing is true.

  7. It seems to me that the ad is saying women of whatever age can dress up and wear a fabulous handbag. Go girls!

  8. Hmm, have to agree with everyone else. I didn't find this ad offensive at all. In fact, I thought it was nice to see 'older women' in an ad and not just hidden away... but perhaps I'd feel differently if I'd seen the whole thing.

  9. Hi Frances, not seen this advert, so can't fully comment but I'm struggling to see the offence.

  10. The ladies look very happy and positive to me. The brightness of their handbags suggest they have a colourful side to them as they seem to be sharing some secret known only to themselves.

  11. Sorry Frances, but I agree with everyone else.

  12. Isn't it interesting that many of us have a different perspective on this image - perhaps it's because we can only see the upper part? Have to say they look fun but I haven't seen the whole advert and don't care about D&G anyway!

  13. REPLY TO ALL: I've been away, and am in a rush, so please excuse just this response rather than individual ones! Maybe this says more about me than the advert, as I'm sooooo old, but in my defence, if you'd seen the knee length stocking someone just might have agreed with me...? John did, and he's a man (he also knows what's good for him).

  14. I've never even heard of D&G and I wouldn't have a clue what this was supposed to be about. Elderly ladies having a bit of fun (and why not) would be my spontaneous impression. Inge Löök comes to mind for me (Finnish illustrator - do a Google image search)...
