Sunday, 17 December 2017

Seasonal celebrity overkill

Am I the only person who doesn't need or want "celebrities" at Christmas? Every single TV programme seems to be dominated by them, and I haven't even heard of most of them. Let's hear it for ordinary, normal people for a change. As for the so called celebrities, I think we should bag them all up and send them into the Australain jungle for good. They can chew kangaroos' testicles and steep themselves in mealy worms and entertain each other, and we ordinary mortals can get on with our lives unimpeded.

There! I feel better now.


  1. I don't watch TV. Solves the whole problem! I find that movies (Netflix, or free dvd loans from our local library) are more than enough entertainment, and there's no advertising nor faux-celeb nonsense.

    In other news: Hope you have the very merriest, most peaceful holiday season ever!

    1. We mainly do the same, Mrs. S, but we love, for example, university Challenge, and can't stand the celebrity version. We don't need it!

  2. Like Mrs. Slapthing, when I watch TV, it is usually a movie, although not on Netflix or any other such service). I try to catch the main news at 8:00 pm and then it is either a movie or a series such as Midsomer Murders or Lewis, and if nothing is on that I'd like to see, I go to bed with a book :-)

    1. Meike, we love Netflix and other box sets, but inevitably come across the celebrity thing in our searches. We never watch them!

  3. Not quite the same thing but I'm always disappointed when I go to the theatre and a 'celebrity' has the lead part. I always suspect there are others who could do it better.

    1. Wendy, an actress friend of mine toured with a well known theatre production, and was furious when a celebrity was cast in a main part and had to have a mike, as she hadn't learnt voice production.

  4. The only one I watch is Strictly (for the dancing) but often don't know most of the celeb dancers!

    1. We don't watch it, but I'm beginning to wish we did! So many people seem to be addicted. And like you, Rosemary, I've no idea who most of these people are.

  5. I used to think I'd not heard of most celebrities because I rarely watch TV, but it seems that even people who do will be unfamiliar with most of them.

    1. Patsy, you're probably I celebrity too, if only you knew it!
