Saturday, 13 October 2018

How to ruin a mobile phone

1. Drop it down the loo.
2. Give it a bath (well, you have to, don’t you?).
3. Dry it, then put it in your bed.
4. Turn the electric blanket on high (it will get astonishingly hot. You’d be surprised).
5. Google the problem (if you want the phone to recover, miss out 1-4 and do this immediately).
6. Ignore all advice to steep it in dry rice, as this might just rescue the situation.

Voila! Job done. Next step: down to the phone shop. Do not on any account tell them the above, or your phone cred will be in ruins.

(PS I hate my new phone, but am stuck with it 😫.)


  1. I thought dropping phones down the loo only happens in books! Speaking of books, I have finished Ruth Robinson and really enjoyed it. A review will, of course, follow eventually.

    1. Meike, my son did it on his wedding morning. Maybe the Germans are more careful!

      I’m so glad you’re enjoying RR 🙂

  2. Hahahaha! Very funny, intentionally or no.

    1. Not funny at the time, RWP, but I can laugh - or maybe smile -about it now. Just...

  3. Been there, done that - but only as far as No. 2 on your list! Waterproof phone, and it survived the adventure without neither blankets nor rice... ;)

    1. Waterproof phones? Why do no one tell me? Too late now, DT!

  4. Actually, Meike, I am reliably informed that dropping phones down loos is one of the commonest ways of drowning phones.

    1. I’ve heard that, Graham. I know several people who’ve done it.
