Sunday 5 January 2014

Resolutions 2014

To muck out cupboards, chests of drawers,
And chuck away the flotsam.
Prune excess books and ancient clothes
And take them all to Oxfam.
Ration time on the Internet,
Write something every day.
Make blog posts few and far between,
And not be led astray
By crosswords, and by su dokus,
Or phone calls to my daughter*.
Make better use of time, because
At my age, well, I ought to.
To live each day as though I'm doomed
To  meet my end tomorrow.
To keep a note of every book
I read, or lend, or borrow.

And if I manage just one of these
(I promise, I'll be trying),
You'll find the moon is made of cheese,
And pigs? Well, they'll be flying...

*Sons are nice to talk to, too, but they're not so good at gossip.


  1. LOL
    How true, Frances. I was on the phone with my niece for an hour today.
    I have someone coming tomorrow to help me with mucking-out, but wild horses will be required to keep me from being led astray by blog posts, comments to blog friends, and making better use of my time.
    (There are wild horses in North America, but the flying pigs are probably all in Britain.)

  2. What a wonderful resolution poem. Can we ever manage to keep any resolutions when time always seems to take over? The only answer is to live on another planet with a 60 hour day. You'd need a sleep after that!

  3. I enjoyed your resolution poem. Happy 2014!

  4. The books I need most often are those I lent and were never returned; a list is essential.

    1. The flying pigs are definitely more likely, Frances! (and we wouldn't want it any other way).

    2. CM, that happens to me ALL the time. Infuriating.

    3. I dont know, Wendy. One day I'd love to keep just a couple of my resolutions. At least until, say, March...

  5. "Make blog posts few and far between" - what kind of a resolution is that, Frances?! I certainly won't be happy if you attempt that one!

  6. Surely being led astray is making good use of our time?

  7. Brilliant poem and it echoes so many of my past resolutions. This year I resolve to be the best I can be; no promises, no regrets. I'm with Meike about the blog posts.

    1. That's a veyr big resolution, Maggie, when you come to think of it!

  8. Love that very apt poem, Frances - I'm sure most of us can echo lots of the sentiments! Hope you manage to keep a few of them in 2014.

    1. Thanks, Rosemary. Just a couple would be good. Just to show that I can...

  9. The first job is to feed the pigs so that they have the energy to fly.

    1. Ah, but then they'll be to heavy to take off, won't they?

  10. This is inspiring,Frances! Off to start on the list immediately.

  11. I think I already saw this....Yup. But I love it, especially keeping lists of books I beg, borrow and buy and making more time for writing than....well, than this!

  12. One or two of those struck a little to close to home for me. Which is probably why I've not made a New Year Resolution since early childhood.
