Wednesday, 11 October 2017

The best sight in the world...

...has been that of wonderful A the Aga man, finally fixing our Aga. We've been without it for two weeks, and haver subsisted on cheap pub meals and ready meals, plus a couple of disastrous microwave-cooked meals (by me). The salmon parcels, with leeks, peas and fromage frais, was particularly revolting. A the Aga man lives on ready meals, but I don't  know how he can. All those E numbers...But he looks well on it, and we love, love, love him!


  1. Three cheers for A the Aga man!
    Salmon parcels with leeks, peas and fromage frais sounds rather nice (if you like salmon - I don't), but I guess microwave meals are never quite what they sound like (or look like on the package).

  2. Have you been missing your Aga then?

    If I was serious about losing weight I'd do a microwave ready meal diet. They're so unappetising I'd never be tempted to over eat.

    1. I think I've lost about a pound, Patsy. Most of that was grief and anxiety.

  3. I thought that all Aga owners had a standby " proper" oven? Obviously not! Hope you enjoy your first Aga meal .

    1. As my son In law always says, we could all be chairman of the hindsight committee, Frances!

  4. I am quite in awe of your cooking skills if you only ever use an Aga. I wouldn't have the first idea. Well done that man.

    1. Maggie, it's simplicity itself. Warm and hot ovens. Ditto hotplates. No dithering over temperatures or turning up and down. It's child's play. Honestly.

  5. I cook entirely by gas (or microwave) which is a throwback from the days when we had lots of power cuts here. My current gas stove and oven are about 25 years old and as good as now. There's precious little to go wrong. I hope that I don't live to regret that statement. Our old Rayburn that we had when we moved up here was solid fuel (peat) and a nightmare.

    1. Graham, Agas are wonderful......except when they go out. They are the very devil to relight. Ours needed a new part as it was leaking gas, but it is pretty old....

  6. Great to hear the Aga is fixed at last - I don't like having workmen around but love what they can do!

    1. Thanks, Rosemary. We don't mind having this workman around one bit!

  7. Replies
    1. Indeed, Wendy! And he took a load of our old computers, vacuum cleaners etc to the tip and wouldn't accept payment (we did manage to persuade him to accept wine) 😀
