Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Visit to a medium

Last week, my daughter  visited a fairly prestigious medium. She wanted some answers, and she also wanted to hear from her father.

I know, I know. It’s not an especially wise thing to do, and I wouldn’t do it myself, but I have to confess to being quite excited to think that she might hear from my late husband (a close friend of hers had visited the same man about her sister, who’d died of cancer, and she was much comforted by what he said).

Anyway, the meeting was not a success. Part of it went a bit like this:
Medium: I think your mum is very anxious about Christmas, and where she’s going  to go.
Daughter: no.
Medium: I’m getting a William  - he’s a William - or perhaps a Bill? Does that mean anything to you?
Daughter: no
Medium: there’s a Sanders, or possibly Sanderson. Did you know anyone with that name?
Daughter: no.
Medium: when you were a child, did your father bring you back a teddy, or perhaps a doll?
Daughter: no.

This man aso told her that she and I were going to “cross swords” within the next fortnight. Well, we have never, ever had a row (well, not since the one occasion when she played knock and run in the village where we lived, and that was a very very long time ago.

We’ve got a week to go before that fortnight  is up, and we’re watching what we say very carefully.

(Btw, her father sent his love, but didn’t want to talk to us. Make of that what you will!)


  1. He probably thought you would be rowing over her visit to a charlatan.

    1. No. We were both quite excited about it I’m afraid!

  2. I hope that she asked for her money back!

  3. It can be amazing what faith will allow one to believe.

  4. A friend took me to see a medium once – it was a public show, not a private event. He seemed to know a lot about some audience members and their loved ones, and I think gave them comfort.

    I couldn't see how he could be cheating – but I still wasn't at all convinced. Your daughter's experience has done nothing to make me change my mind.

    1. Patsy, do you think some of the audience were “planted”?

  5. Back in the day we called them "Fortune Tellers." I saw one at carnival when I was a teen who told me I'd die at an early age ... I will be 85 next birthday. Ha.

  6. What an experience, Frances - even if not the one hoped for!

  7. Confirmed my opinion of "mediums". Hey..congrats on all those books!!!

  8. You could make use of that for a new novel!

    1. Funny you should say that, DT. I’ve always wanted to write a novel called The Happy Medium....
