I absolutely HATE this weather, can't ride the horse (who's out in a field eating snow) and am still toying with various plot ideas. We only have one elderly neighbour to look out for, and she's friskier than I am. Unlike Aliya, I haven't finished my Christmas shopping, and I haven't started on the Christmas cards.
But this pic made me realise things could be worse.
I've wrapped all mine as well now. And the decorations are up.
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to plan for Easter.
Aliya, I don't want to know.
ReplyDeleteNot bought a single card. Had to buy some pressies to take to Oxford when I went to get Son No 1 but that's the sum total of my shopping so far.
ReplyDeleteThis poor beast! But cattle really do always think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. And, because they've eaten all the stuff on their side of the fence, it usually is!!
There's a 'what happened next' pic, too, but I'll leave that for tomorrow. (Yes, I have got better things to do, and no, I'm not doing them. I blame the weather.)
ReplyDeleteAaaach. Christmas. Right.
ReplyDeleteBetter get on that.
I had a stress dream last night - it was Christmas Eve and I didnt have the turkey - had to drive from Cornwall to London to try and get one...
Yes, Nevets. Chrstmas. Thanksgivings's over now. Time to move on.
ReplyDeleteLiz, I doubt whether you'll get from Cornwall to London in this weather, but if you try, do remember the shovel, the flask of coffee, the sandwiches, the torch...