Wednesday, 17 January 2018

A subtle platform for bullying... the art of choosing teams. This was alive and well when I was a kid, and needless to say, I was always picked last. And I haven't forgotten it.*

But it still happens. In an age when the PC brigade have declared that there must be  "no winners or losers" on sports days, picking teams still goes on in games and PE lessons. A child I know, who is being bullied and left off party invitations (that's another thing. What kind of parent allows his child to invite all the children in the class to a party, except one?), and  who is actually good at games, is always last to be picked for a team. And he minds, very much.  Why can't teachers just divide the class themselves, rather than leaving it to the children to decide? Of course  the least popular will be left until last. It's a no-brainer, isn't it?

It's hard to police bullying, for kids are subtle and clever, and a lot goes on out of sight. But surely, in a class situation, where there is an adult in charge, teams at least can be left to that adult, and not to the kids themselves.

*I was actually appalling at games. My instinct when confronted with a ball has always been "missile! Duck or run". But that's another story.


  1. Did a long comment but it crashed. Why does that happen when I don’t save which I do on my laptop but not on my iPad. So this is a test.

  2. OMG, do they still do that? I was subtly bullied in that way back in the 50s!

  3. I thought they'd stopped doing that. Or at least letting the less sporty kids choose the teams.

    1. You'd have thought so, wouldn't you, Keith? Sadly not.

  4. I was rubbish at games. One teacher used to allow all the rubbish girls to play in the same team, which was great as none of us minded losing or a team member dropping the ball. It seemed cruel when the other teacher made us mix in with those who wanted to win and might have done so without us.

    1. Maybe writing and sports don't go together, Patsy...? That's what I like to think 😀
