Sunday 1 April 2012

A is for Age (the first of 26 posts for the 2012 A to Z Blogging Chalenge)

Her friends forget, have strokes or falls,
And some die unexpectedly.
The young pass by, and smile, and say
"What d'you expect, at eighty-three?"
And she replies, "I know. It's just
I never thought it would be me."


  1. Just the other day my husband, age 85, said in all earnestness, "We don't know how to grow old!" And it is true we don't. We still think of ourselves as we were always, vibrant, able, and young! Perhaps if we lived in a retirement community we wouldn't be so surprised with old age.

  2. Jill, your husband is so right. I couldn't (and didn't!) put it better myself.

  3. I suspect old age comes as a bit of a shock to most people - except for the few who seem to have been practising for it since they got to 27.

  4. My Grandmother died at 93 with all her faculties (OK she was a bit deaf). Ditto my Mother. At 94 Dad's heart and eyes had got past their use-by date but there was nothing wrong with his mind. Mum always said that at 93 she felt as she had when she was 18 except that she had a lot more knowledge - including the knowledge that her body told her she was old. At 70 a friend retired and said she was going to do something to help the elderly (a quality she certainly did not attribute to herself).

    I think you, Jill and Patsy have all hit the nail bang on the head.

    Old age happens to others.

    But as a young friend (with a brain tumour) said (as shown in my sidebar) "Feeling young is fabulous but growing old is a blessing!!!" Everything is a point of view.

  5. Lovely poem! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Patsy, that is so true.

    GB, your young friend was very wise.

    Pam - thanks!

  7. Lovely poem and old age is definitely all in the mind. I'm going to fight it all the way.

  8. This is so apt for what I'm feeling right now. I was meant to find this post.
