Friday 27 May 2011

Quote du jour

I've just come across this wonderful quote from Thomas Mann:

"A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."

Oh, how true! (and strangely comforting)


  1. It certainly is, Frances (true and comforting!)

  2. Thanks, Teresa and Karen. Is there any writer who finds writing easy?

  3. Every time I read that quote I do find it strangely comforting. I think because it reminds me that writing is a craft as well as a calling.

    Judy, South Africa

  4. Judy, as we all know, writing is something that everyone thinks they can do. It's only by working hard at it that we realise we (or should I say, some of us) can't!

  5. I find writing easy. It's only when I try to turn what I've written into something other people might be able to read that things get tricky.

  6. Patsy, that is so true (the last bit, anyway!).
