We are having an ongoing argument about Imperial Leather soap*(yes, I know. It's pathetic. It's our own little variation on the toothpaste-squeezing argument, and we've had that one, too). He says that if you rest the soap on its little label, the label pretects the soap and stops it from going soggy (so presumably, all you're left with in the end is the little label).
I say this is rubbish, The little label is there for advertising purposes only, and if that's the case, then the label should be facing upwards, not downwards. When the label faces downwards, that's the bit that gets soggy. And it falls off.
If anyone knows the answer, do please let us know. Or we may have to change brands.
*Available cheap from Devizes market, but not worth the journey if you don't live here.
I like seeing the label at the top so everyone knows it's pukka Imperial Leather and not some cheap old gunk. But when it goes curly and manky I take it off.
ReplyDeleteThat's one vote for me, then! Thanks, Fran.
ReplyDeleteMy husband says it should rest on the label - didn't the old advert say "Rests on its name"? I've always put it with the label uppermost.
ReplyDeleteHI, Teresa. Oh, dear. I didn't know that (and don't remember the advert). So maybe he's right after all. Bugger.
ReplyDeleteThe label thing doesn't work at the beginning of the life of a bar of imperial leather though, does it? It's recessed then, isnt' it? (Or does my memory fail me?)
ReplyDeleteAlis, you're quite right. Which means I win after all.