So it's nothing to do with the time she was born; Harper Seven was apparently named after the author (Harper Lee) of To Kill a Mockingbird, her mother's favourite book. And Seven? Well, that appears to be the Beckhams' favourite number: seven wonders of the world, colours of the rainbow, that kind of thing. They could of course have named her after the book's feisty heroine, but I have to admit that Scout Beckham is a tad snappy. But what ahout Harper Scout?
But having spent the last week wondering whether they'd chosen the name to fit the time, or decided to have the baby delivered at the time to match the name, I have to admit to being just a tiny bit disappointed.
Apparently, 7 is, or was, the number Beckham wears, or wore, when he plays, or played, for England. I sometimes wonder what these celebrities' children are going to feel like by the time they're ready to move on to secondary school; or when they have to fill in forms to collect their state pension. The mind could go on boggling for ever if you let it.
ReplyDeleteThe only other person I know called Seven is the gardener in "Alice in Wonderland"
ReplyDeleteOf course, there's always Deed Poll open if the poor children decide their parents' bright ideas are not so bright, or right...
ReplyDeleteBut then one is left wondering what the offspring of such people will come up with for their own children.
You actually believe either of those two have read a book?
ReplyDeleteRomeo Beckham could have a slight problem should he get as far as studying Shakespeare
ReplyDeleteJenny I'd forgotten about Alice's gardener!
ReplyDeleteJarmar - I think deed poll's the answer. I suppose they coudl evenhae called her Deed Poll Beckham...
Keith, I understood that Victoria has been known to say that she's never finished a book, so maybe TKAM is one of the books she's never finished?
Rosamund - we all have to study Shakespeare, even Beckham children with silly names, whether we like it or not. Which means that even David Bec....? No. On second thoughts, perhaps not.
I think kids live up to their names. Possibly this means Harper will either be a wildly successful writer of one published novel, or a wildly successful blackjack player.
ReplyDeleteI think we all read To Kill a Mockingbird at school didn't we? I wouldn't imagine Victoria read it either. It's not as bad as Jamie Oliver's girls names like boo boo sunshine or something like that.
ReplyDeleteHi, Deborah. I think Harper's ok. Just. It's the seven I'm not sure about...But when I looked, TKAM was no 40 in the Amazon ratings, so if baby Beckham follows in those footsteps she won't be doing too badly (as if she would anyway)!
ReplyDeleteHi, Susan. I don't mind Jamie's girls' first names. It's (Petal) Blossom Rainbow I feel for (if I've got that right). I called my own daughter Daisy long before it came into fashion, so I suppose I can't say much!